koichi Yoshida
Koichi Yoshida (吉田ナザロフ公一)
Koichi Yoshida was born in Himeji, Hyogo prefecture、Japan on 1978.
During student years he played blues and rock guitar, but also tried to play different musical instruments including ethnic ones. He was strongly impressed by shakuhachi sound and as a result he started to learn Kinko style shakuhachi under renowned Sensei Yodo Kurahashi, and received master license "Shihan" 2011.
He is currently an active performer of traditional repertoire, as well as rock, jazz, folk music, and improvisation.
In 2009 he formed YUGAO, an ensemble project for shakuhachi, piano, cello, and tabla.
He performs frequently in the museums and tea-houses of Kyoto.
He also had YUGAO tour in Spain, France, London (2011), and original solo tour TAKEKAZE in France, Switzerland and Germany (2012) , featuring with a calligrapher Ekaterina Nazarova.
Due to this project, he had tour in October 2012 including Russia, Armenia, France, Germany and Switzerland. From January 2013 during 3 months lived and performed in France. Since May 2013 Koichi Yoshida lives and performs in Moscow, Russia.
The solo work “Winds of KOKU” (Winds of the Void) released in Europe,Bergium in January 2015 was highly acclaimed by world celebrities such as internationally influential curator, Axel Verdvoodt and globally recognized guitarist, John Mc Laughlin and one of the leading Russian musician Boris Grebenshchikov.
Concerts and workshops:
• La Loingtaine Concervatoire (2012, France)
• SOAS, University of London (2011, UK)
• Werkstatt-Laden Gallery (2012, Winterthur, Switzerland)
• National Gallery of Armenia 20th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Armenia special concert (2012, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia)
• Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory (2012 & 2013, Moscow, Russia)
• XVIII International Festival of Arts “Sergei Oskolkov and friends” at Peterhof Museum (2014, St.Petersburg, Russia)
• J-FEST (2013,Moscow)
• world ethnic festival “way to self (Путь к себе)” (2013,Russia)
• Tenri Kultur Werkstatt – workshop & concert (2012, Cologne, Germany )
• Granada Music & Arts Conservatory – work shop (2011, Spain )
• Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Conservatoire – concert & workshop (2012, Paris, France)
• Japan Festival at the Jardin d’acclimatation (2012,Paris,France)
• Institut Franco-Japonais du Kansai (2012, Kyoto, Japan)
• MARINA MANDARIN HOTEL (2012, Singapore )
• Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris (2013, Paris, France)
• Japan Expo (2013, Marseilles,France)
• “Inspiratum Festival” international contemporary festival at Kanaal (2014,2015 Antwerp, Belgium)
• Concert with Sigrid Tanghe at “D’Apostrof” (2015, Belgium)
CD works:
* Ensemble “Yugao” 1st mini album “Yugao” (2010 sasaoto records SCD-01)
Recorded personnel:
shakuhachi: Koichi Nazarov Yoshida piano: Ippei Ikeda cello: William Prunkl
* Ensemble “Yugao” 1st album ”SASAOTO” (2011 sasaoto records SCD-02)
Recorded personnel:
shakuhachi: Koichi Nazarov Yoshida piano: Ippei Ikeda cello: William Prunkl tabla:Bayan Fujisawa
* 吉田公一尺八独演集 “Koichi Yoshida Shakuhachi Solo Pieces”
(2011 sasaoto records SCD-03)
*Koichi Nazarov Yoshida Shakuhachi Solo Pieces “Takekaze”
(2012 sasaoto records SCD-04)
*Shakuhachi Solo Pieces “Winds of Koku”
2007年より尺八、ピアノ、チェロ、タブラ カルテット「夕顔 」など、ジャンルを問わない様々な活動を京都にて展開。2011年よりヨーロッパ、ロシアを中心に独自のソロ活動を展開し現在までに英仏など西欧7カ国やロシア、アルメニア、シンガポールなど12か国で公演している。
最新作品である2014年のソロアルバム 「Winds of Koku 虚空の風」はフランス、ボルドーで録音、スティングをはじめ数々の世界の音楽家が参加する "INSPIRATUM Project"を組織する国際的キュレーター、Axel Vervoordt氏の全面的サポートを受ける。
Axel Vervoordt
アクセル バーボード (世界的キュレーター・骨董収集家)
John Mc Laughlin
ジョン マクラフリン(ギタリスト)
Boris Grebenshchikov
ボリス グルビンシュコフ(ロシアの国民的シンガーソングライター)
• La Loingtaine Concervatoire ラ ロワンテン音楽院 (2012, フランス)
• SOAS, University of London ロンドン大学 (2011, イギリス)
• Werkstatt-Laden Gallery (2012, Winterthur, スイス)
• National Gallery of Armenia アルメニア国立文化会館
(2012, Yerevan, アルメニア)
• Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory (チャイコフスキー音楽院) (2012, ロシア)
• Tenri Kultur Werkstatt - workshop & concert (2012, Cologne, ドイツ )
• Granada Music & Arts Conservatory - work shop グラナダ音楽院 (2011, スペイン )
• Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Conservatoire レ クレムリン音楽院 - concert & workshop (2012, Paris, フランス)
• Institut Franco-Japonais du Kansai 関西日仏学館 (2012, Kyoto, Japan)
• MARINA MANDARIN HOTEL (2012, シンガポール )
•Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris パリ日本文化会館 (2013, Paris, フランス)
• Japan Expo (2013, マルセイユ、フランス)
• “Inspiratum Festival” international contemporary festival at Kanaal (2014,2015,2017 Antwerp, ベルギー)
• Concert with Sigrid Tanghe at “D’Apostrof” (2015, ベルギー)
* 夕顔 1st mini album
(2010 sasaoto records SCD-01)
尺八: Koichi Nazarov Yoshida ピアノ: Ippei Ikeda チェロ: William Prunkl
* 夕顔1st album
(2011 sasaoto records SCD-02)Recorded
尺八: Koichi Nazarov Yoshida ピアノ: Ippei Ikeda チェロ: William Prunkl タブラ:Bayan Fujisawa
* 吉田公一尺八独演集 1
“Koichi Yoshida Shakuhachi Solo Pieces”
(2011 sasaoto records SCD-03)
*吉田ナザロフ公一尺八独演集 2
(2012 sasaoto records SCD-04)
*吉田ナザロフ公一尺八独演集 3
“ Winds of Koku 虚空の風”